
I am sorry to bring this up again.... Does anyone have any idea what
might be going on here?...   I'm very worried about this situation.. ;-(

- Greg

>Something even more peculiar (at least it seems to me..)...
>If I drop the index table1_category_gist_idx, I get this:
>jobs=> explain analyze select id from table1 where category <@ 'a.b'
>ORDER BY category;
>                                                    QUERY PLAN          
> Sort  (cost=7568.55..7568.62 rows=28 width=52) (actual
>time=4842.691..4854.468 rows=1943 loops=1)
>   Sort Key: category
>   ->  Seq Scan on jobdata  (cost=0.00..7567.88 rows=28 width=52) (actual
>time=11.498..4800.907 rows=1943 loops=1)
>         Filter: (category <@ 'a.b'::ltree)
> Total runtime: 4871.076 ms
>(5 rows)
>.. no disk thrashing all over the place.. 
>I'm really perplexed about this one..;-(
>- Greg
>>I have a rather peculiar performance observation and would welcome any
>>feedback on this.....
>>First off, the main table (well, part of it.. it is quite large..):
>>                                             Table "table1"
>>       Column       |           Type           |                        
>>   Modifiers                            
>> id                 | integer                  | not null default
>> user_id            | integer                  | 
>> ... (skipping about 20 columns)
>> category           | ltree[]                  | 
>> somedata           | text                     | not null
>>    "table1_pkey" primary key, btree (id)
>>    "table1_category_full_gist_idx" gist (category)
>>    "table1_id_idx" btree (id)
>>    "table1_fti_idx" gist (fti) WHERE ((status)::text = 'open'::text)
>>    "table1_user_id_idx" btree (user_id)
>>database=> explain analyze select id from table1 where category <@ 'a.b';
>>                                                                    QUERY
>> Index Scan using table1_category_full_gist_idx on jobdata 
>>(cost=0.00..113.48 rows=28 width=4) (actual time=43.814..12201.528
>>rows=1943 loops=1)
>>   Index Cond: (category <@ 'a.b'::ltree)
>>   Filter: (category <@ 'a.b'::ltree)
>> Total runtime: 12222.258 ms
>>If I do this:
>>create table yuck (id integer, category ltree[]);
>>insert into yuck select id, category from table1;
>>create index category_idx on yuck using gist(category);
>>vacuum analyze yuck;
>>jobs=> explain analyze select id from table1 where id in (select id from
>>yuck where category <@ 'a.b');
>>                                                              QUERY PLAN
>> Nested Loop  (cost=108.64..114.28 rows=1 width=52) (actual
>>time=654.645..1245.212 rows=1943 loops=1)
>>   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=108.64..108.64 rows=1 width=4) (actual
>>time=654.202..690.709 rows=1943 loops=1)
>>         ->  Index Scan using category_idx on yuck  (cost=0.00..108.57
>>rows=28 width=4) (actual time=2.046..623.436 rows=1943 loops=1)
>>               Index Cond: (category <@ 'a.b'::ltree)
>>               Filter: (category <@ 'a.b'::ltree)
>>   ->  Index Scan using table1_pkey on jobdata  (cost=0.00..5.64 rows=1
>>width=52) (actual time=0.219..0.235 rows=1 loops=1943)
>>         Index Cond: (table1.id = "outer".id)
>> Total runtime: 1261.551 ms
>>(8 rows)
>>In the first query, my hard disk trashes audibly the entire 12 seconds
>>(this is actually the best run I could get, it is usually closer to 20
>>seconds), the second query runs almost effortlessly..  I've tried
>>reindexing, even dropping the index and recreating it but nothing I do
>>helps at all.
>>Now keep in mind that I do all of my development on painfully slow
>>hardware in order to make any performance issues really stand out.  But,
>>I've done this on production servers too with an equal performance
>>improvement noticed.
>>I just can't figure out why this second query is so much faster, I feel
>>like I must have done something very wrong in my schema design or
>>something to be suffering this sort of a performance loss.   Any idea
>>what I can do about this?
>>Thanks as always!
>>- Greg

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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