[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tope Akinniyi) writes:
> I am wondering at this display of extreme Linux mentality being
> displayed by the 'top bras' of the PostgreSQL community.  And I ask,
> are we encouraging Windows use of PostgreSQL at all?

> Take a look at tools being rolled out at PgFoundry on daily basis;
> all for Linux except the Windows installer.  I ask myself what is
> being done to encourage PostgreSQL Windows users.  Nothing is
> available to them except the Database and PgAdmin.  No replication
> tool, no this, no that.

When people interested in deploying on Windows(tm) start contributing
code to the projects, then the tide may "turn."

Looking at what I'm working on (Slony-I), that is indeed the
requirement in order for Slony-I to be supported on Windows.  I don't
use Windows(tm) in any context, so I lack all of all of the following

 a) Interest
 b) Platform knowledge
 c) Development tools

I wouldn't oppose the notion of someone with Windows(tm) interest,
Windows(tm) knowledge, and access to Windows(tm) development tools
contributing support for their platform.  

But someone else will have to bring those things to the table.  You
are NOT going to be forcing me to start doing Windows(tm) development
for any of my bits of the PostgreSQL software base; the only way to
get my bits ported is to find some interested Windows(tm) developer.

And if nobody is sufficiently interested to do so, that obviously
means that there _isn't_ that much interest in supporting Windows(tm)
for Slony-I.

Much the same is quite likely to be true for numerous of the PgFoundry

> Sorry for this:  Firebird provides equal tools for Linux and Windows
> users.  We are not the one to tell the Windows users whether they
> need them.

It took a LOT of years for the Windows tools to emerge; InterBase
spent a number of years as a Unix-only application.

> Whether Windows is bad or good; Linux is the angel and Windows the
> devil is not the issue here. PostgreSQL has gone the Windows way and
> must not be shown to be deficient.
> I am not holding anybody responsible, but I think we need to do a
> massive re-orientation of the community not to carry the
> Linux-Windows game too far.

This is NOT an issue of the "goodness/badness" of Windows, and is
CERTAINLY NOT a matter of Linux being considered an "angel," as
numerous of the PostgreSQL developers are no more fans of Linux than
they are of Windows(tm).  It is nonsense to consider it some
"Linux/Windows game," particularly when most of the PostgreSQL Core
prefer BSD 4.4-Lite variants.  [My metric there is that I have seen
numerous cases of Core members who develop on FreeBSD and NetBSD,
whereas I am not yet specifically aware of any that prefer Linux.]

It is a matter that in order for additional applications to be
deployed on Windows(tm), it is necessary to find developers that are
familiar with the platform that are interested in doing the

If the set of people that come from the "Windows(tm) world" are
largely 'plain users' that have limited interest in helping develop
improvements, then PostgreSQL will certainly remain with a STRONG Unix
bias in what gets developed, and that's pretty much fair.
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