On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 01:29:45PM +0000, James Croft wrote:

> One of the tables holds reasonable amounts of text, some fields hold up 
> to 2Mb. When I try and run
> UPDATE table SET idxfti=to_tsvector('default', field);
> it runs for a while then aborts with the following message
> ERROR:  value is too big

README.tsearch2 says that the maximum size of a tsvector is 2^20
bytes (1M).  You can see that limit enforced in the makevalue()
function in tsvector.c (similarly in pushquery() in query.c):

    if (cur - str > MAXSTRPOS)
                 errmsg("value is too big")));

MAXSTRPOS is defined in tsvector.h:

  #define MAXSTRPOS ( 1<<20 )

Maybe Oleg will reply and say whether it's safe to change that
or not.

Michael Fuhr

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