On Friday 11 Feb 2005 6:07 pm, Marques Johansson wrote:
> A recent Slashdot thread on MySQL performance
> (http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/02/11/038232&from=rss)
> contains a comment mentioning the following Fermilab report from May 2003:
> http://www-css.fnal.gov/dsg/external/freeware/mysql-vs-pgsql.html
> With the release of PostgreSQL 8.0, how does PostgreSQL currently stand?

That seems to be fairly old and hence out-of-sync. Things have move a lot 
since, for all the products involved.

But still I find it rather harsh on postgresql.  8K row limit is long gone and 
postgresql does support online backup, to mention a few.

PostgreSQL now has native windows port, tablespaces and many many replication 
solutions, not to mention a list of companies that offer PostgreSQL support.


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