How are you updating this tables? Do you use UPDATE .... WHERE ....

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 05:57:32 -0800 (PST), Venkatesh Babu
> Hello,
> We have a table cm_quotastates which has exactly
> 4624564 rows and 25 columns and 9 indexes... Out of
> these, our code retrieves 75262 rows and modifies just
> one column in each row... but updating these to
> database is taking some significant time (around 20
> minutes)... Tried the following with the update
> (a) Tried updating after removing all the 9 indexes
> associated with the table
> (b) Tried updating the 75K rows in batches
> (c) vacuum analyze the table before updation
> but none are helping and update still takes the same
> amount of time. Is there anything else that can be
> done so that update takes lesser time... Also, where
> can I find info about how postgres update actually
> works?
> Thanks,
> Venkatesh
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