I use a trigger on tables with foreign key references to either ignore the insert row or insert an appropriate matching row in the referenced table, if it does not exist. In the function, I just raise a notice that I am doing this. This is a simple example:
create or replace function tgf_insert_gene_id() returns trigger as $$
gene_id_chk integer;
select into gene_id_chk gene_id from g_main where gene_id=NEW.gene_id;
INSERT into g_main (gene_id,name) values (NEW.gene_id,'INSERTED FOR FOREIGN KEY CHECK');
RAISE NOTICE 'Inserting a gene ID to meet foreign key requirements';
return NEW;
end;$$ language plpgsql;

Just make a trigger for the tables of interest (I have several tables that reference gene_id in g_main) so they can all use the same trigger.

This function simply looks up the proposed key to the foreign key table (gene_id) in the foreign key table. If it is (NOT FOUND) then it inserts the key into the foreign table (g_main) the gene_id about to be inserted and then raises a notice (which goes into the log if you have logging set up to log notices). Then, the function returns and, because we did the insert, foreign key checks work fine. You could just as easily choose to NOT insert a record that doesn't meet foreign key checks, or even do an insert into a separate table instead that contains all of the rows that don't match a foreign key.

Hope this helps....

On Feb 4, 2005, at 7:32 AM, Joolz wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm building a postgresql db which will have to get lots of data
from "the outside" (customers, that is). The db has lots of
constraints, and I'm sure that our customers will offer lots of
invalid information. We receive the information in csv format. My
first thought was to read them into the database with COPY, but
"COPY stops operation at the first error."

What I need is an import where all valid lines from the csv files
are read into the db, and I also get a logfile for all invalid
lines, stating the line number plus the pg error message so I can
see which constraint was violated.

I can't think of a direct, elegant solution for this, does anyone
have any suggestions? Thanks a lot!

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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