Am Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2005 08:32 schrieb Uwe C. Schroeder:
> Maybe it's to late for me to think correctly (actually I'm sure of
> that). I'm going to ask anyways.
> I have a table like
> id int4
> user_id int4
> photo varchar
> image_type char(1)
> where image_type is either G or X
> What I want to do is have ONE query that gives me the count of images
> of each type per user_id.
> So if user 3 has 5 photos of type G and 3 photos of type X
> I basically want to have a result 5,3
> It got to be possible to get a query like that, but somehow it eludes
> me tonight.
> Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
>  UC

select user_id,image_type, count(id)
from <table>
group by user_id,image_type

should do it.

Markus Schulz

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