I am moving from Sybase to pgsql but have problems with stored procedures. The typical procedure uses
a) named parameters, b) local variable declarations and assignments c) transactions d) cursors, views, etc.
I can't seem to find these things in the Postgres function syntax.
Uhmmm in Postgres function/procedures are the same thing. I am unsure about named parameters but b,c,d are all available in PostgreSQL.
Functions in pgsql are very limited compared to Sybase procedures,
I seriously doubt this is the case since you have the ability to use any
number of languages for your procedures including plPgsql, plPython, plPerl, plPHP etc...
so I'll
have to find a workaround somehow. Perhaps somebody can point me to examples or hints regarding this issue.
Perhaps if you provided the actual problem? Is there a specific procedure that you are trying to port that you do not understand in the PgSQL sense?
Joshua D. Drake
Thanks in advance!
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