Tom Lane wrote:
Greg Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Egads. So the set of valid Python programs is different depending on what
platform you're on? That's just, uhm, insane.

No quibble here.

Incidentally, are we sure we've diagnosed this correctly? I'm discussing this
with some Python developers and they're expressing skepticism. One just tried
a quick test with a Python program containing a mixture of all three newline
flavours and it ran fine.

He tried reading 'em from files, using Python's text-format-converting
file reader, no?  See the test case posted up-thread, which demonstrates
that feeding a string directly to PyExec (or whatever its called)
produces newline-sensitive results.

This is currently being discussed on python-dev:

It looks like my earlier concerns were unwarrented - current consensus seems to be to transform line endings in the string to the one-true-format expected by Python's guts:

Stuart Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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