> I have a table that contains this raw data:
>   epr_procode | epr_tipo | epr_mes | epr_valor |      zert_title
> -------------+----------+---------+-----------+--------------------
>-- 00C188      | VTA      | 200309  | 2116.0000 | Venta
>   00C188      | CTO      | 200309  | 1600.0700 | Costo
>   00C188      | VTA      | 200311  | 3450.0000 | Venta
>   00C188      | CTO      | 200311  | 2687.4200 | Costo
> I need to display it this way:
> TITULO             |200309    |200310   |200311     |200312
> -------------+----------+---------+-----------+--------------------
>-- Venta            |2116.0000 |0.0000   |3450.0000  |0.0000
> Costo      |1600.0700 |0.0000   |2687.4200  |0.0000
> Notice I must display the missing 200310 and 200312 empty data
> since users retrieves the info in four months based data set, of
> course that data does not exist since there were no trans in those
> months. Any idea or suggestion to get it done in Postgresql.

Here's one way:

  zert_title as TITULO, 
  sum(case when epr_mes=200309 then epr_valor else 0 end) as "200309",
  sum(case when epr_mes=200310 then epr_valor else 0 end) as "200310",
  sum(case when epr_mes=200311 then epr_valor else 0 end) as "200311",
  sum(case when epr_mes=200312 then epr_valor else 0 end) as "200312"
  group by 1;


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