Lonni J Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is it possible to allow TCP/IP connections from additional hosts (IPs)
> without restarting postgresql?

> The issue i'm having is that i've got a postgresql-7.4.6 box that has
> a DB running on it for a j2ee based application on a separate server. 
> Now i need to add an additional DB for a different server, but I can't
> afford any down time to restart postgresql for the changes in
> pg_hba.conf to take effect.

SIGHUP (a/k/a pg_ctl reload) is sufficient for editing pg_hba.conf.

If you'd not had tcpip_socket enabled to start with, you would need a
restart to turn that on, but as long as the socket is there you are

                        regards, tom lane

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