On Thursday January 13 2005 11:37, Michael Fuhr wrote:
> That'll show which transaction is oldest but not how long it's been
> open or idle, i.e., whether it's "long-open" or not.  I assumed,
> perhaps incorrectly, that he was already looking at pg_locks and
> wanted to find out which of those transactions had been open for a
> long time.  Since pg_locks has a pid column, you can join (visually
> or via a join query) with pg_stat_activity's procpid column.

What I'm after is a simple way to automatically tell via cron query if there 
is a transaction staying open long enough (probably an hour) to cause bloat 
but that doesn't require any visual inspection.  While not fool-proof, 
pg_stat_activity.query_start looks like a 90% answer.  

It'd be nice if pg_stat_activity.transaction_start were added in the future 
for a 100% answer, but I'm not sure there's much interest in this apart 
from our needs.


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