wouah. Ok. Looks like programming deficient skills ... :)
Thank you.

By the way,
I have been using DB2 and its Call Level Interface (CLI) API and it was great because you have the same API (based onb ODBC) for writing server side stored procedures and external functions.
I guess that's why I was a bit confused with SPI.
Could be cool to move this into Postgresql ?



13/01/2005 17:05

        Pour :        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        cc :        Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, pgsql-general@postgresql.org
        Objet :        Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : [GENERAL] Debugging SPI C functions

> Then I have a C (libpq) client program that calls my spi functions like=20
> this :
> PQExec(conn,"SELECT mySpiFunction()");=20
>  the problem is ->  I can't step into this line !

Of course not --- the execution of mySpiFunction is in a different
process.  You need to set up a second instance of gdb that's attached
to the postgres backend process your application is using.

                                                  regards, tom lane

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