> my team and I have to work with postgresql, apache and the umn mapserver for
> a student project. The only problem is that not one of us has ever worked
> with postgresql and now, after having installed the rc2 Version for windows
> we don't know how to configure the software.  After searching the whole net
> for tips and hints we are still clueless, 'cause everyone just describes how
> to configure it under linux. Please don't say we should take linux, 'cause
> we can't work with linux because of our project pardners who wanted it to
> work under windows.

Well, the configuration options are in postgresql.conf, as far
as I know. What the options mean and how to set them is
described in the PG docs.

*Tuning* for running on Windows may be a different matter from
*configuring*, depending on what you need to do.

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