On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 03:25:08PM -0500, Terry Lee Tucker wrote:

> When I assign a value to a certain column in a table A, I want to be able to 
> assign a value in table A to table B and then to assign a value in table B to 
> table C.

What do you mean by "assign a value to a certain column"?  Are you
updating an existing record in A?  Inserting a new record into A?

What do you mean by "assign a value in table A to table B"?  Do you
want to update an existing record in B with some value from the new
record in A?  Or do you want to insert a new record into B based
on the new record in A?  Or something else?

Perhaps an example would clarify the requirement: please show what
A, B, and C look like in their "before" state; then show the statement
that should execute the trigger (INSERT, UPDATE, etc.); then describe
what should happen in A, B and C; then show A, B, and C in their
"after" state.

> I was wanting to do this from the trigger level in an AFTER UPDATE 
> trigger to ensure it gets done. I would like to be able to pass the serial 
> keys of the associated records in table B and C to the AFTER UPDATE trigger 
> so I could find the records in tables B and C and perform the updates.

This part isn't clear either.  Where are the "serial keys of the
associated records in table B and C" being passed from?  How are
those records identified?  What updates are supposed to be peformed
in the AFTER UPDATE trigger?

As I mentioned above, an example might explain things better.

Michael Fuhr

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