The following are a couple of many techniques.
SELECT a.a_name , a.a_type , a.a_dir FROM a_table a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM b_table b WHERE b.b_name = a.a_name AND b.b_type = a.a_type AND b.b_dir = a.a_dir )
SELECT a.a_name
, a.a_type
, a.a_dir
FROM a_table a
LEFT JOIN b_table b
ON a.a_table = b.b_table
AND a.a_type = b.b_type
AND a.a_dir = b.b_type
WHERE b.b_table IS NULL // assumes that b.b_table is a not null column.
Let's say that dir could be null and dir is a string, then (assuming that dir can never be 'xyz') you could say something like
COALESCE(a.a_dir,'xyz') = COALESCE(b.b_dir,'xyz')
Since NULL never equal NULL, if you want NULL in one table to match a NULL in another table, you need to change it to something not NULL. However this depends on what you want in your application.
Queries like this are used often to check the integrity of your data. Examples of this are 1) What orders don't have order items? 2) What books have no authors? etc.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Madison Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PgSQL General List" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 7:32 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] Question on a select
Hi all,
This is my first post here so please let me know if I miss any list guidelines. :)
I was hoping to get some help, advice or pointers to an answer for a somewhat odd (to me at least) SELECT. What I am trying to do is select that values from one table where matching values do not exist in another table.
For example:
Let's say 'table_a' has the columns 'a_name, a_type, a_dir, a_<others>' and 'table_b' has the columns 'b_name, b_type, b_dir, b_<others>' where 'others' are columns unique to each table. What I need to do is select all the values in 'a_name, a_type, a_dir' from 'table_a' where there is no matching entries in "table_b's" 'b_name, b_type, b_dir'.
I know I could do something like:
SELECT a_name, a_type, a_dir FROM table_a;
and then loop through all the returned values and for each do a matching select from 'table_b' and use my program to catch the ones not in 'table_b'. This is not very efficient though and I will be searching through tables that could have several hundred thousand entries so the inefficiency would be amplified. Is there some way to use a join or something similar to do this?
Thank you all!
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