OK, now I am well informed. Thank you.  

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher Browne
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PG8 final when

The world rejoiced as [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Együd Csaba) wrote:
> as far as I can remember I somewhere read an article - maybe somwhere 
> on a dbforum or the postgresql.org - which stated that after the RC1 
> the final version is required to be announced at around 15. dec. May 
> be I'm misinformed.

You're misinformed.  Nothing of the sort is "required to be announced."

If everything had gone _perfectly_ well with the first release candidate, a
release might have gone out.  In view of there being some issues found on
some platforms leading to a fair number of bug fixes, the final release
won't be a result of RC1.  It might be the result of RC2, in another couple
or three weeks, but that again assumes that it is ready after testing RC2,
which leaves a dose of uncertainty.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
"Power tends  to corrupt and absolute power  corrupts absolutely."  
-- First Baron Acton, 1834 - 1902

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