William Yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   Index Scan using idx_finvendors_name on fin_vendors  (cost=0.00..4.01 
> rows=1 width=600) (actual time=0.029..0.036 rows=2 loops=1)
>     Index Cond: ((name >= 'NBC'::bpchar) AND (name < 'NBD'::bpchar))
>     Filter: (name ~~ 'NBC%'::text)

Hmm.  Apparently column "name" is of type char(N) rather than text?

> talisman=# create index test_upper on fin_vendors (upper(name))\g
> talisman=# explain analyze select * from fin_vendors where upper(name) 
> like 'NBC%'\g
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Index Scan using test_upper on fin_vendors  (cost=0.00..616.68 
> rows=316 width=604) (actual time=0.032..0.039 rows=2 loops=1)
>     Index Cond: ((upper((name)::text) >= 'NBC'::text) AND 
> (upper((name)::text) < 'NBD'::text))
>     Filter: (upper((name)::text) ~~ 'NBC%'::text)
>   Total runtime: 0.096 ms

Note the inserted casts: the index is really on UPPER(name::text).
It was probably shown that way in your dump file.

I believe what is happening here is that pre-8.0 PG versions fail to
recognize that implicit and explicit casting to text are equivalent
operations, and so an index declared as "create index foo_upper on
foo (upper(name::text))" isn't going to match a query that mentions
"upper(name)" with no cast.  This is a slightly tricky issue because
there are in fact cases where implicit and explicit casts have different
semantics :-(.  I think we've got it worked out properly in 8.0 though.

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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