I have just loaded Postgresql 7.3.6-7 onto a new server on the recommendation of Tom Lane. It is part of Red Hat AS 3.
I have Postgresql 7.1.3-5 running on Red Hat AS 2.1. I have a simple view from which I select on both systems. The 7.3.6-7 version requires 18+ seconds to do a select from a particular view.
The 7.1.3-5 version requires 3+ seconds to select from the same view.
On the 7.1.3-5 version I do: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ time /usr/bin/psql mpt -c"select count(*) from tpv;" count ------- 33377 (1 row)
0.000u 0.010s 0:03.55 0.2% 0+0k 0+0io 332pf+0w [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$
And on 7.3.6-7 version I do: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ time /usr/bin/psql mpt -c"select count(*) from tpv;" count ------- 33377 (1 row)
0.010u 0.000s 0:18.38 0.0% 0+0k 0+0io 362pf+0w [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$
Does anyone have any clues as to where I should be looking for tuning/whatever?
Jim Apsey ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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