Right, the postgres server will refuse to run if the controlling user is root. You need to reconfigure with a different user account.
On Dec 11, 2004, at 2:01 PM, Timothy Perrigo wrote:
On Dec 10, 2004, at 4:26 AM, Vikas Kumawat wrote:-----------------------------------------------------------
<x-tad-bigger>Dear Sir /Madam,</x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>We are working on Linux suse 9.0 and we have installed Postgres 7.3 through yast with the privileges of "</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>root</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>" user. But we are not able to start / configure the postgres database, Kindly help us in configuring and starting the same database and how can we create database and use it. We will be very thankful to you prompt help.</x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>Thanks & Regards</x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>Vikas Kumawat</x-tad-bigger>
The postgres users should own the data directory, but otherwise should not have administrative privileges. What is the specific error you are getting?
Frank D. Engel, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep "John 3:16"
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.