(From someone else who doesn't know what doesn't know, ... :-/)

>    sudo -u testuser sh -c "nohup /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster [...]

> >> note that my cmd line refers to the conf file, which has the external
> >> PID id'd in it:
> >
> >>      external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql.pid'
> ...
> just checked -- looks ok.  PID is properly 'owned & operated' by the 
> postmaster 
> superuser defined in the launch command

Who owns /var/run? What group? Does testuser have permission to delete
files there? (May need to add testuser to the wheel or admin group?)

Another thought, try su -c instead of sudo?

(See warning on first line. It's been a while since I've mucked that
deep in the Mac OS X configurations, and my box is still on 10.2, so I'm
probably just blowing smoke.)

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