Am 2004-11-16 14:43:26, schrieb Marco Bizzarri:
> Hi all.
> I would like to know if postgresql has any certification for the 
> military environment.

You mean "Common Criteria EAL-5". I am working for the french
governement and currently we have only EAL-4 for around 30 packages
from Debian GNU/Linux v3.0 (WOODY) reached. The rest (~450) of the
selected Packages are in EAL-3.

Our goal is to reach EAL-5 not only for Servers but Workststions to.

Maybe in the middle of the next year we will create a public mirror.

Unfortunatly many Developers do not like to follow the CC-EAL.

> If possible, please answer me directly (I'm not on this mailing list). 
> Otherwise, I will read from the web interface.

> Regards
> Marco


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