Am 2004-11-10 07:25:08, schrieb Mike Cox:
> Hello. My name is Mike Cox. I am in charge of the changing of these

Please can you shut-up and fuck yourself ?

> postgresql lists. I have decided that we are going to drop most of the
> lists from the vote. We will only be making 4 lists into real Usenet
> newsgroups if we win the election. The rest of the lists are crap and
> they take up too much fucking room. Marc was an asshole for stealing
> BIG8 newsgroup names without voting. He is an irresponsible piece of

Nobody has stolen NEWS-GroupNames. 

I have the same problem because I run a private newsserver like
this one from <>. Never I have ask another
ISP's for including my Newsgroups into feeds...

So and me are legigim newsgroups and it is the
responsability of ISP's whether they feed the servers with our
NewsGroups or not.

> shit scumbag cock-licking anus-eating foreskin-sniffing motherfucking
> faggot. He has an ego the size of Dolly Parton's tits. Be sure to vote
> yes on all four of these lists or every list will be removed. 

Removed from what ?
The lists are not includes in BIG8. 
They can not be removed.

> Your support is most appreciated.

Where do you live ?
Are you not reservist in the US-Army ?
Don't like to go to Iraq and let you kill ?

> Mike Cox


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, 
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