I have a project "wyatterp.com" that was built to be an ERP development library using postgresql as a backend. We use it internally to run a 120 employee manufacturing company. And it does everything from payroll to production management.

I haven't been able to do much on it for a while but now I'm getting ready to roll out a new version for my own internal use and would be willing to open-source it again. I would be more likely to do so if there were some others out there who would like to collaborate on the project. I'm just sending this out to see if anyone is interested.

The library is a bunch of handy stuff that makes it easier to manage the building of ERP applications. It is all written in Tcl/Tk so anyone with basic programming experience can roll together their own apps. The library is powerful enough that a typical application might be just a few hundred lines of configuration code.

The project consists of:

This is a set of command-line tools that manages a postgres schema. Instead of sending your sql straight to postgres, you put it in a structure of relational modules (encapsulated inside a Tcl structure) and then wyseman manages the backend for you. You can drop/modify/rebuild parts of the schema and the system makes sure that all dependencies are rebuilt properly. This also facilitiates in-place upgrades to your database and backups.

Wyseman also allows you to define a data-dictionary that gives additional helpful information about your tables/colums like titles, help balloons, relational keys, etc. so your application (and wylib) can figure out how to display/modify table data on the screen.

This is the run-time Tcl libraries that build mega-widgets on the screen. Each application consists of instances of the widgets from this library.

Wylib allows for a site-specific library that can modify the way wylib operates to accomodate your local preferences.

I don't really intend to open-source all my own applications or my schemas, but I'd be happy to help develop example apps and schemas to help others get started.

If you're interested, you can browse what the old version looked like at wyatterp.com. I don't have any info on the new stuff yet on a web page (that's part of what I need help with). But if I get some interest, I can make some code and examples available.

The new version has been improved as follows:

tcl modules have been written in a more object-oriented way
new, more powerful mega-widgets
data-dictionaries new
wyseman totally re-written

Anyone interested, let me know.


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