I have a simple function which I use to set up a users' expiry date. If a field in a table contains an interval then
this function returns a timestamp some time in the future (usually two weeks), null otherwise. I can't pass the
interval from the table into a variable properly within the function. Any ideas?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getUnitTimeLength(int) RETURNS timestamp AS '

   grpID ALIAS FOR $1;
   intval INTERVAL;
   exptime TIMESTAMP;
   SELECT INTO intval unitTimeLength::INTERVAL FROM customer.groups WHERE 
groupsID = grpID;
   IF intval IS NULL THEN
     SELECT INTO exptime current_timestamp + INTERVAL ''intval'';
     RETURN exptime;
   END IF;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

SELECT getUnitTimeLength(55);

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type interval: "intval"
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "getunittimelength" line 11 at select into variables

However if I change the else clause to this: ELSE SELECT INTO exptime current_timestamp; RETURN exptime; END IF; it works: ---------------------------- 2004-11-08 16:14:40.273597 (1 row)

Thanks Ron

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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