In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Greg Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Russell Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> now() and CURRENT_DATE, are and cannot be planned as constants. >> So the planner cannot use an index for them. > >It's not that it cannot use an index, but that it doesn't know it should use >an index. The planner knows that it can't count on now() to be constant so it >doesn't use the value it has. As far as it's concerned you're comparing >against an unknown value. And in general the postgres optimizer assumes single >sided inequalities with unknown constants aren't selective enough to justify >an index scan. > >The easiest work-around is probably just putting in a bogus second inequality >to make it a range. The planner generally assumes ranges are selective enough >to justify index scans.
Well, strangely enough, after checking once more, that works with 7.3, but with 7.4 it doesn't. techdb2=> explain select * from lines where (removed > CURRENT_DATE AND removed < '9999-01-01'); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on lines (cost=0.00..259.89 rows=2189 width=178) Filter: ((removed > ('now'::text)::date) AND (removed < '9999-01-01'::date)) (2 rows) With 7.3, this query used the index, while with 7.4 it doesn't. Using an immutable function that returns CURRENT_DATE indeed makes it work as I expected: techdb2=> explain select * from lines where removed > today(); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using lines_removed_idx on lines (cost=0.00..4.85 rows=1 width=178) Index Cond: (removed > '2004-11-08'::date) (2 rows) Thanks for the advice, Mike. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])