On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, J. Michael Crawford wrote:
>    Even in Java, where you can do all sorts of character-encoding 
> translation, it can be impossible to translate data retrieved from Postgres 
> if it's in the wrong encoding.  We've tried changing the JVM encoding, 
> altering the jdbc driver, translating encodings on the database read, and 
> translating encodings after the read while building a new string, to no 
> avail.  We tried 25 combinations of each strategy (five different possible 
> read encodings and five different possible string encodings), and nothing 
> worked.  We could get an application working in one JVM with one encoding, 
> but another JVM would break, and no amount of translation would help.
>    But when we finally told Postgres what to return, everythign worked like 
> a charm.
>    Just as with step two, the key is to use the "SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 
> (encoding)" sql command.  If you're using an application where you can send 
> SQL to the server, this is all you need.  In something like MS Access, 
> you'll have to move to a passthrough query.  For Java, you'll need to send 
> a command through JDBC:
> String DBEncoding = "Unicode"  //use a real encoding, either returned from 
> the jvm or explicitly stated
> PreparedStatement statement = dbCon.prepareStatement("SET CLIENT_ENCODING 
> TO '" + DBEncoding + "'");
> statement.execute();

This is bad advice for a Java client and does not work.  The JDBC driver 
always expects data in unicode and issues a SET client_encoding of it's 
own at connection startup to make sure it gets unicode data.  Changing 
this to another encoding will break the driver and in the cvs version a 
check has been added to error out if it detects you doing this.

Kris Jurka

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