On Oct 25, 2004, at 12:35 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Ken Tozier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:When I add the OR clause things go haywire:
SELECT a.paginator, a.doc_name, (b.time - pm_events.time) as elapsed_time FROM pm_events as a, pm_events as b WHERE a.event_code='pmcd' OR a.event_code='pmop' AND b.event_code='pmcl' AND a.doc_name=b.doc_name AND a.paginator=b.paginator AND a.time < b.time
I think you need some parentheses, or at least a bit of thought about what the OR is binding to.
The table stores "file open", "file create" and "file close" events (pmop, pmcd, pmcl) What I'm trying to do is bind "open" and "create" events to the next sequential close event for each document a particular paginator works on. I also tried parentheses after the where clause like so:
WHERE (a.event_code='pmcd' OR a.event_code='pmop')
But it only seems to recognize the first comparison ignoring whatever comes after the OR
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