What is "text + text" supposed to do right now?
Then are these bugs? (7.4.5 and 8.0.0beta1 give same results). Frankly, the current behaviour is quite strange to me.
------------------ =# select coalesce('1'+'0','NULL'); a =# select coalesce('1'+'1','NULL'); b =# select coalesce('1'+'3','NULL'); d =# select coalesce('a'+'0','NULL');
=# select coalesce('a'+'1','NULL');
=# select coalesce('a'+'3','NULL');
=# select coalesce('a'+'x','NULL'); Ù ------------------
What about making "text + text" as an equivalent for "text || text"? Most strongly-typed programming languages do this. And MS SQL
Server too, I think (CMIIW).
What would this gain except for bloat? It's not like SQL is utterly compatible with any programming language; users will still have to learn all the operators anyway.
I personally don't consider this "bloat". We already have other synonyms like '!=' and '<>'. '+' is very natural to mean concatenation for strings.
Anyway, either emitting an error or string concatenation is better than the current behaviour, I think.
-- dave
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