
pgpool seems to be very nice. I will use it in production environment as soon 
as possible, but have a question regarding pgpool:

I have four different databases/user combinations which should have different 
numbers of possible connection. 

let my db have 80 concurrent connections and i want to divide them like this:

At the moment i run four different instances af apache with PHP and connect 
via pg_pconnect. My MaxClients directives are set to the values above, so if 
all connections are busy you can't even connect to apache and maybe you get a 
timeout. That's not nice, but i keep my database from overloading and still 
have enough resources for different databse/user combination. (OT: I would 
love to here someone running successful PerChildMPM on apache2, at the moment 
i need four apaches on four different ports to configure MaxClient)

How can i achive it with pgpool? Is it possible to run four pgpools for an 
backend. running pgpool on port 9000-9004 each configured to the values above 
and have one database cluster handle the pgpool connections? Can i still use 
synchronous replication and so on.

My first guess is: it should work as pgpool handles all connections via 
independent preforked childs and it should not matter wheather a child is 
forked from one parent or another. But as i dont know alle the internals, i 
would like to here an expert opinion.

kind regards,

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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