=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Sebastian_B=F6ck?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I investigated a little bit further and can be more precisely
> about the whole thing. This (wrong) behaviour only occurs, if
> the view has an order by clause.

The bug is triggered by the combination of an inherited UPDATE target
and an unflattenable sub-Query.  I verified that it's been broken for
as long as we've had such features :-(.

I've applied the attached patch to 8.0.  You could probably adapt it for
7.4, but I'm hesitant to put such a nontrivial change into a stable
branch without a lot more testing.

                        regards, tom lane

*** src/backend/optimizer/path/allpaths.c.orig  Sun Aug 29 09:55:03 2004
--- src/backend/optimizer/path/allpaths.c       Sat Oct  2 17:23:54 2004
*** 124,131 ****
                        /* RangeFunction --- generate a separate plan for it */
                        set_function_pathlist(root, rel, rte);
!               else if ((inheritlist = expand_inherited_rtentry(root, rti, true))
!                                != NIL)
                        /* Relation is root of an inheritance tree, process specially 
                        set_inherited_rel_pathlist(root, rel, rti, rte, inheritlist);
--- 124,130 ----
                        /* RangeFunction --- generate a separate plan for it */
                        set_function_pathlist(root, rel, rte);
!               else if ((inheritlist = expand_inherited_rtentry(root, rti)) != NIL)
                        /* Relation is root of an inheritance tree, process specially 
                        set_inherited_rel_pathlist(root, rel, rti, rte, inheritlist);
*** 222,234 ****
                                 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE is not supported for 
inheritance queries")));
-       /*
-        * The executor will check the parent table's access permissions when
-        * it examines the parent's inheritlist entry.  There's no need to
-        * check twice, so turn off access check bits in the original RTE.
-        */
-       rte->requiredPerms = 0;
         * Initialize to compute size estimates for whole inheritance tree
--- 221,226 ----
*** src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c.orig   Sun Aug 29 22:57:31 2004
--- src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c        Sat Oct  2 17:57:29 2004
*** 320,327 ****
         * grouping_planner.
        if (parse->resultRelation &&
!               (lst = expand_inherited_rtentry(parse, parse->resultRelation,
false)) != NIL)
                plan = inheritance_planner(parse, lst);
                plan = grouping_planner(parse, tuple_fraction);
--- 320,326 ----
         * grouping_planner.
        if (parse->resultRelation &&
!               (lst = expand_inherited_rtentry(parse, parse->resultRelation)) != NIL)
                plan = inheritance_planner(parse, lst);
                plan = grouping_planner(parse, tuple_fraction);
*** 513,519 ****
                int                     childRTindex = lfirst_int(l);
                Oid                     childOID = getrelid(childRTindex, 
-               int                     subrtlength;
                Query      *subquery;
                Plan       *subplan;
--- 512,517 ----
*** 526,547 ****
                subplans = lappend(subplans, subplan);
!                * It's possible that additional RTEs got added to the rangetable
!                * due to expansion of inherited source tables (see allpaths.c).
!                * If so, we must copy 'em back to the main parse tree's rtable.
!                * XXX my goodness this is ugly.  Really need to think about ways to
!                * rein in planner's habit of scribbling on its input.
!               subrtlength = list_length(subquery->rtable);
!               if (subrtlength > mainrtlength)
!                       List       *subrt;
!                       subrt = list_copy_tail(subquery->rtable, mainrtlength);
!                       parse->rtable = list_concat(parse->rtable, subrt);
!                       mainrtlength = subrtlength;
                /* Save preprocessed tlist from first rel for use in Append */
                if (tlist == NIL)
                        tlist = subplan->targetlist;
--- 524,563 ----
                subplans = lappend(subplans, subplan);
!                * XXX my goodness this next bit is ugly.  Really need to think about
!                * ways to rein in planner's habit of scribbling on its input.
!                * Planning of the subquery might have modified the rangetable,
!                * either by addition of RTEs due to expansion of inherited source
!                * tables, or by changes of the Query structures inside subquery
!                * RTEs.  We have to ensure that this gets propagated back to the
!                * master copy.  However, if we aren't done planning yet, we also
!                * need to ensure that subsequent calls to grouping_planner have
!                * virgin sub-Queries to work from.  So, if we are at the last
!                * list entry, just copy the subquery rangetable back to the master
!                * copy; if we are not, then extend the master copy by adding
!                * whatever the subquery added.  (We assume these added entries
!                * will go untouched by the future grouping_planner calls.  We are
!                * also effectively assuming that sub-Queries will get planned
!                * identically each time, or at least that the impacts on their
!                * rangetables will be the same each time.  Did I say this is ugly?)
!               if (lnext(l) == NULL)
!                       parse->rtable = subquery->rtable;
!               else
!                       int             subrtlength = list_length(subquery->rtable);
!                       if (subrtlength > mainrtlength)
!                       {
!                               List       *subrt;
!                               subrt = list_copy_tail(subquery->rtable, mainrtlength);
!                               parse->rtable = list_concat(parse->rtable, subrt);
!                               mainrtlength = subrtlength;
!                       }
                /* Save preprocessed tlist from first rel for use in Append */
                if (tlist == NIL)
                        tlist = subplan->targetlist;
*** src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepunion.c.orig Sun Aug 29 09:55:05 2004
--- src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepunion.c      Sat Oct  2 17:24:22 2004
*** 705,728 ****
   *            whole inheritance set (parent and children).
   *            If not, return NIL.
!  * When dup_parent is false, the initially given RT index is part of the
!  * returned list (if any).    When dup_parent is true, the given RT index
!  * is *not* in the returned list; a duplicate RTE will be made for the
!  * parent table.
   * A childless table is never considered to be an inheritance set; therefore
   * the result will never be a one-element list.  It'll be either empty
   * or have two or more elements.
!  * NOTE: after this routine executes, the specified RTE will always have
!  * its inh flag cleared, whether or not there were any children.  This
!  * ensures we won't expand the same RTE twice, which would otherwise occur
!  * for the case of an inherited UPDATE/DELETE target relation.
!  *
!  * XXX probably should convert the result type to Relids?
  List *
! expand_inherited_rtentry(Query *parse, Index rti, bool dup_parent)
        RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(rti, parse->rtable);
        Oid                     parentOID;
--- 705,727 ----
   *            whole inheritance set (parent and children).
   *            If not, return NIL.
!  * Note that the original RTE is considered to represent the whole
!  * inheritance set.  The first member of the returned list is an RTE
!  * for the same table, but with inh = false, to represent the parent table
!  * in its role as a simple member of the set.  The original RT index is
!  * never a member of the returned list.
   * A childless table is never considered to be an inheritance set; therefore
   * the result will never be a one-element list.  It'll be either empty
   * or have two or more elements.
!  * Note: there are cases in which this routine will be invoked multiple
!  * times on the same RTE.  We will generate a separate set of child RTEs
!  * for each invocation.  This is somewhat wasteful but seems not worth
!  * trying to avoid.
  List *
! expand_inherited_rtentry(Query *parse, Index rti)
        RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(rti, parse->rtable);
        Oid                     parentOID;
*** 734,745 ****
        if (!rte->inh)
                return NIL;
        Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION);
-       /* Always clear the parent's inh flag, see above comments */
-       rte->inh = false;
        /* Fast path for common case of childless table */
        parentOID = rte->relid;
        if (!has_subclass(parentOID))
                return NIL;
        /* Scan for all members of inheritance set */
        inhOIDs = find_all_inheritors(parentOID);
--- 733,746 ----
        if (!rte->inh)
                return NIL;
        Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION);
        /* Fast path for common case of childless table */
        parentOID = rte->relid;
        if (!has_subclass(parentOID))
+       {
+               /* Clear flag to save repeated tests if called again */
+               rte->inh = false;
                return NIL;
+       }
        /* Scan for all members of inheritance set */
        inhOIDs = find_all_inheritors(parentOID);
*** 749,784 ****
         * table once had a child but no longer does.
        if (list_length(inhOIDs) < 2)
                return NIL;
!       /* OK, it's an inheritance set; expand it */
!       if (dup_parent)
!               inhRTIs = NIL;
!       else
!               inhRTIs = list_make1_int(rti);  /* include original RTE in result */
        foreach(l, inhOIDs)
                Oid                     childOID = lfirst_oid(l);
                RangeTblEntry *childrte;
                Index           childRTindex;
-               /* parent will be in the list too; skip it if not dup requested */
-               if (childOID == parentOID && !dup_parent)
-                       continue;
                 * Build an RTE for the child, and attach to query's rangetable
                 * list. We copy most fields of the parent's RTE, but replace
!                * relation real name and OID.  Note that inh will be false at
!                * this point.
                childrte = copyObject(rte);
                childrte->relid = childOID;
                parse->rtable = lappend(parse->rtable, childrte);
                childRTindex = list_length(parse->rtable);
                inhRTIs = lappend_int(inhRTIs, childRTindex);
        return inhRTIs;
--- 750,790 ----
         * table once had a child but no longer does.
        if (list_length(inhOIDs) < 2)
+       {
+               /* Clear flag to save repeated tests if called again */
+               rte->inh = false;
                return NIL;
!       }
+       /* OK, it's an inheritance set; expand it */
+       inhRTIs = NIL;
        foreach(l, inhOIDs)
                Oid                     childOID = lfirst_oid(l);
                RangeTblEntry *childrte;
                Index           childRTindex;
                 * Build an RTE for the child, and attach to query's rangetable
                 * list. We copy most fields of the parent's RTE, but replace
!                * relation OID, and set inh = false.
                childrte = copyObject(rte);
                childrte->relid = childOID;
+               childrte->inh = false;
                parse->rtable = lappend(parse->rtable, childrte);
                childRTindex = list_length(parse->rtable);
                inhRTIs = lappend_int(inhRTIs, childRTindex);
+       /*
+        * The executor will check the parent table's access permissions when
+        * it examines the parent's inheritlist entry.  There's no need to
+        * check twice, so turn off access check bits in the original RTE.
+        * (If we are invoked more than once, extra copies of the child RTEs
+        * will also not cause duplicate permission checks.)
+        */
+       rte->requiredPerms = 0;
        return inhRTIs;
*** src/backend/optimizer/util/clauses.c.orig   Sun Aug 29 09:55:06 2004
--- src/backend/optimizer/util/clauses.c        Sat Oct  2 15:41:30 2004
*** 3254,3263 ****
--- 3254,3273 ----
                                        CHECKFLATCOPY(newrte->subquery, rte->subquery, 
                                        MUTATE(newrte->subquery, newrte->subquery, 
Query *);
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       /* else, copy RT subqueries as-is */
+                                       newrte->subquery = copyObject(rte->subquery);
+                               }
                        case RTE_JOIN:
                                if (!(flags & QTW_IGNORE_JOINALIASES))
rte->joinaliasvars, List *);
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       /* else, copy join aliases as-is */
+                                       newrte->joinaliasvars = 
+                               }
                        case RTE_FUNCTION:
                                MUTATE(newrte->funcexpr, rte->funcexpr, Node *);
*** src/include/optimizer/prep.h.orig   Sun Aug 29 09:56:05 2004
--- src/include/optimizer/prep.h        Sat Oct  2 17:23:45 2004
*** 52,59 ****
  extern List *find_all_inheritors(Oid parentrel);
! extern List *expand_inherited_rtentry(Query *parse, Index rti,
!                                                bool dup_parent);
  extern Node *adjust_inherited_attrs(Node *node,
                                           Index old_rt_index, Oid old_relid,
--- 52,58 ----
  extern List *find_all_inheritors(Oid parentrel);
! extern List *expand_inherited_rtentry(Query *parse, Index rti);
  extern Node *adjust_inherited_attrs(Node *node,
                                           Index old_rt_index, Oid old_relid,

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