Steve Gollery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I installed Postgres 8 beta 3 on an XP box, with Postgres running as a 
> service. TaskManager tells me that postgres and postmaster are both 
> running. Using pgAdmin III, I can connect to the server and create 
> users, databases, tables, etc.
> But at the command line, on the same machine where the service is 
> running, executing
>       createdb mydb
> gives this:
> could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server:
> No such file or directory
>       Is the server running locally and accepting
>       connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Steve: try
        createdb -h localhost mydb

Pghackers: I'm surprised that we don't have libpq set to default to
"localhost" rather than a Unix socket on platforms that haven't got Unix
sockets.  A default that's guaranteed not to work seems a bit useless.

Anyone have a better idea than "localhost"?

                        regards, tom lane

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