First, apologies in advance for this somewhat OT post ...

I'm looking for a source of information on using the psycopg
interface to postgresql.  A mailing list would be ideal.  I've
poked at their wiki, but not found what I'm looking for.

Also, new to both postrgresql & psycopg, my questions appear
too basic for the doc/examples they provide with their installation.

- What's the appropriate syntax for specifying a primary key?

- What is the data type "text?"  And how does it differ from
  CHAR(len), &c.?

My very simple table creation test (based on their ""
example is failing ...  Here's what I'm trying.  Non-pythonated
syntax works in pgsql:

no go:
        curs.execute("""CREATE TABLE key_test (
        key_col CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,
        nother_col CHAR(256))""")

pure joy:
        cs_test=# CREATE TABLE key_test (
        cs_test(# key_col CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,
        cs_test(# nother_col CHAR(256)
        cs_test(# );


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

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