On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 10:06:58AM -0400, David Rysdam wrote:

> Sybase bulk copies the date fields out in this format:
> Mar  4 1973 10:28:00:000AM
> Postgresql's COPY (or psql \copy) doesn't like that format.

You could filter the data through a script that reformats certain
fields, then feed the reformatted data to PostgreSQL.  This is
usually a trivial task for Perl, awk, sed, or the like.

> I have a similarish problem with another field type.  In Sybase it's a 
> binary format.  In postgres it is a binary format (bytea).  But Sybase 
> bcps the data out in ASCII.  Sybase recognizes that when it is a binary 
> field and auto-converts the ASCII back to binary.  Postgres doesn't.  
> Again, I created a temporary table and did a decode(field, 'hex') to the 
> real table.

Sounds like Sybase is dumping in hex, whereas PostgreSQL expects
octal.  If you can't change the dump format, then again, filtering
the data through a script might work.

Michael Fuhr

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