> From: Greg Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Need some advice on appropriate PL strategy...
> "Eric D. Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I guess I could alternatively just code up a simple mail function in
> another PL
> > and then call that function from pl/pgsql.  Is there any merit to this
> approach
> > over the "whole-trigger" in another PL method?
> Well depending on your application this may be a reasonable approach.
> However
> you should at least think carefully before taking this route. It means the
> email processing is put into the critical path of performing the original
> update.
> I would suggest you consider another model, where you have a second process
> that connects to the database and checks for updates. It can either stay
> connected all the time and the trigger can use NOTIFY to wake it up. Or it
> can
> just check periodically. This has the advantage that you can write in any
> language that has a postgres driver, including PHP.
> It also means you can perform your database updates without having them
> depend
> on some large external system. This is a big advantage. It means when the
> mail
> system's borked you can keep your web application running and have it catch
> up
> when things are fixed. And it means when things are slow or erroneous you
> have
> one fewer moving parts to confuse you when debugging.

Hmm, very good points.  Thank you.  I was hoping for a get/easy solution, but
those never pan out :)  Your suggestion is also much more flexible -- digesting
or other similar aggregation of multiple events to single emails is much easier
to implement in that scenario.

Thanks again.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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