I'm in the process of implementing a "monitor this" type feature on a web-application. When something changes on the monitored item an email to the subscriber is generated. I'd like to do this via triggers instead of application logic. As far as I can tell pl/pgsql does not include any method for e-mailing as a function side-effect. So I need to choose a different PL. The function is basically a series of queries, coupled with a mailing ( look up details of new event; lookup subscribers and exclude poster of new event from subscriber list, if present; email subscribers) -- so, aside from the emailing bit, its trivial in pl/pgsql.

The web application is in PHP, so using pl/PHP could be nice, but I haven't found a lot of information on pl/PHP to know its relative maturity/stableness. I'm also familiar with Java, Python, C, much less familiar with Perl. In order to e-mail will I need a trusted or untrusted version of the procedural language?

I guess I could alternatively just code up a simple mail function in another PL and then call that function from pl/pgsql. Is there any merit to this approach over the "whole-trigger" in another PL method?

Thank you,
Eric Nielsen

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