On Mon, 4 Oct 2004, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 18:58:41 +0200,
 Marco Colombo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Actually, that should be done each time the random() function is evaluated. (I have no familiarity with the code, so please

That may be overkill, since I don't think that random has been advertised as a secure or even particularly strong random number generator.

bear with me if the suggestion is unsound). I'd even add a parameter
for "really" random data to be provided, by reading /dev/random
instead of /dev/urandom (but read(2) may block).

You don't want to use /dev/random. You aren't going to get better random numbers that way and blocking reads is a big problem.

Sure you are. As far as the entropy pool isn't empty, /dev/random
won't block, and thus there's no difference in behaviour.
When you're short of random bits, /dev/random blocks, /dev/urandom falls back to a PRNG + hash (I think SHA1). Under these conditions,
/dev/urandom output has 0 "entropy" at all: an attacker can predict
the output after short observation provided that he can break SHA1.
That is, anything that uses /dev/urandom (when the kernel pool is
empty) is just as safe as SHA1 is.

I agree that for a general purpose 'good' random() function,
/dev/urandom is enough (as opposed to a plain-old PRNG).
In some applications, you may need the extra security provided
by /dev/random: its output (_when_ is available) it's always
truly random (as long as you trust the kernel, of course - there
have been bugs in the past in Linux about overestimating the randomness
of certain sources, but they've been corrected AFAIK).

How about the following:
random() = random(0) = traditional random()
random(1) = best effort random() via /dev/urandom
random(2) = wait for really random bits via /dev/random

It might be nice to have a secure random function available in postgres. Just using /dev/urandom is probably good enough to provide this service.

Why not all of them. The problem is how to handle a potentially blocking read in /dev/random (actually _any_ disk read may block as well). Just warn people not to use random(2) unless they really know what they're doing...

I don't think the read syscall overhead is noticeable (in Linux at least).
But for sure we can't afford to _open_ /dev/urandom each time...
backends will have to keep an extra fd open just for /dev/urandom... hmm...
I can't think of any better way of doing that.

      ____/  ____/   /
     /      /       /                   Marco Colombo
    ___/  ___  /   /                  Technical Manager
   /          /   /                      ESI s.r.l.
 _____/ _____/  _/                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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