> That's because he's a marketeer, not a developer or a sysadmin.  He only
> understands market-speak.

No, I think he fully understands the relative position of PostgreSQL and its
level of use. Think about it, why did he choose to disrespect this one
particular open-source database out of all the ones available? Because in
the context of that interview he could only squeeze in one such derogatory
comment, and you can be sure he chose his target carefully. When somebody
that highly placed in that large of an organization gives an interview, he
doesn't usually make careless unplanned comments.

I feel good that PostgreSQL has gotten so much attention from IBM--it's a
real sign of accomplishment ;-)

Scott Ribe
(303) 665-7007 voice

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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