[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Marc G. Fournier") writes:
> mail server was down for a few others today with a 'page fault panic'
> ... should start flowing again now ...

Message from the Guild Navigator on Tupile to the Imperial Postmaster
on Arrakis...

... The Mail must flow...


(With due apologies to Frank Herbert, though what with all the drek
being generated with "Dune" in the title, lately, there are much worse
things for him to turn in his grave over...)
(format nil "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "cbbrowne" "ntlug.org")
"I am aware of the benefits  of a micro kernel approach.  However, the
fact remains  that Linux is  here, and GNU  isn't --- and  people have
been working on Hurd for a lot longer than Linus has been working on
Linux." -- Ted T'so, 1992.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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