Sounds like a permissions problem with cron.  Was the cron job created
under the non-root users account?

On Thu, 2004-06-24 at 15:47, Kristopher Spencer-Yates wrote:
> Hi
> I have a PHP script running as a non-root user.  The non-root user will 
> exec PHP script via cron once per day.
> Warning: pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR:  checkout: Permission denied.
> . in /usr/home/nonrootuser/script.php on line 23
> Line 23 is, of course, the $result = pg_exec($db_connect, $call);
> My DB connect is to a postgres server (same physical box as where script 
> is running).
> $db_connect=pg_connect("user=nonrootuser dbname=thedatabase");
> note: PHP website can connect with no problems to this local postgres 
> db; apache runs as nobody, connecting via a PHP db_connect as 
> "user=someotheruser dbname=thedatabase".
> "thedatabase" looks like:
> checkout | table | someotheruser
> So I did a grant all priviliges for "nonrootuser" and "nobody" on all 
> tables in "thedatabase".  I do a \z on a table and see my grant.. but it 
> isnt working.  Not sure what else to provide at this time to help anyone 
> willing to help me.. Just ask and I'll be able to provide any info on 
> request.
> So.. my question:  How do we get unix command line user "nonrootuser" to 
> run a script as "nonrootuser" and access "thedatabase"?  I searched the 
> docs already and so now I am here begging for help :)
> Thanks,
> Kris

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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