Hello list,

Apologize first if this is off topic.

have this function in plpgsql

        crow histmer%rowtype;
        select * into crow from histmer
        where fecha = date 'now';
        if found then
                return next crow;
        end if;
        select * into crow from histmer order by fecha desc limit 1 ;
        insert into histmer values (date 'now', crow.mercado_ne, crow.factor_adu) ;
        select * into crow from histmer
                where fecha = date 'now';

Any idea to make Crystal Reports (10) to accept it as a data set resulting?

Thanks in advace

Josu� Maldonado.
"Para todo mal existen dos remedios: el tiempo y el silencio." Alejandro Dumas. Escritor franc�s.

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