I've no suggestions, except that I hope you still have a copy of the
original /var/lib/postgres/data files and didn't run postgresql on your
only copy...
At 12:19 PM 4/29/2004 -0500, David A. Ulevitch wrote:
Hi fellow pgsql users,
I am helping my university's student union get back up and running after
some major server issues they had. They had serious disk issues on a
server, but not on the /var partition where all of the
/var/lib/postgres/data files were. I was able to recover all of it, at
the file-system level.
The old machine and the new machine were both running Debian Linux
3.0-stable and postgresql 7.2.1-2woody4.
I did the normal debian binary install of postgresql-server and copies
everything from the old server's /var/lib/postgres to the new
/var/lib/postgres. I then copied everything from /etc/postgresql from the
old server to the new server too. (/etc was also fine in the crash) After
chown'ing all the files to `chown -R postgres.postgres /var/lib/postgres`
I tried to login.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster