I have an application where each user session opens and maintains a long-lived connection to the postgresql backend database.
I need to keep a small amount of information (things like a unique session identifier, the application - as opposed to database - username and so on) that is local to each database session. It needs to be visible from within plpgsql trigger functions and will be used on a large fraction of updates. I can see a few ways of doing it, none of them terribly pretty: Keep all the data in a globally visible table, indexed by the PID of the database backend. Create a temporary table at the beginning of each session containing the data, and simply read it out of that, relying on the temporary table to be session-local. Anyone have a suggestion for something that's either prettier, lower overhead or both? Cheers, Steve ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org