Hi All, I use PG 7.3.2 an 7.4.1 on RH 7.1. I'd like to store small (~ 100x100 px jpeg, or gif) images in a field in binary format. I tried to understand the documentation of the large objects but I'm afraid I coluldn't. I found some functions to import and export binary files into the db, but these functions work on the server side. How can I insert a block of binary data into a given field form the client (WinXP, pgsqlODBC 7.03.01)? And on the other side how can I retrive that data from there, how can I delete or modifay that?
In general which data type is the most powerful for this. The only purpose of this field to store a photo or drawing of the product represented by the record. It's not required to be parsed. Is it possible to have it compressed or it should be done by the client? Thank you, -- Csaba Együd ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly