Richard Huxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The error is complaining about a relation that used to have an OID of 
> 165058647. This is almost certainly a temporary table. Are there any plpgsql 
> functions referring to a temporary table, or do you create, drop, recreate 
> tmp_table1 within the same connection?

The trace suggests this is happening immediately after connect, so the
last part doesn't sound right.  It could be a plpgsql function problem,
though the query doesn't look like it invokes any functions.

What I was wondering about was dangling references within a view, that
is a view referring to a table that no longer exists.  (That shouldn't
happen anymore in 7.3 and later, but if this is a pre-7.3 system then
it's possible.)  Does this query make use of any views, and if so do the
views change from time to time?

                        regards, tom lane

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