
>Filesystem is too slow. But I don't know, if I store these images into
>postgres, performace will grow.

but postres also stores its data on the filesystem.
maybe take a better FS like XFS (xfs is very nice and performes good), imho other filesystems like reiser have some version-problems ;)
so storing images in postres as blob imho is not as fast as XFS, but maybe you have to do some performance tests.
maybe you can store an index table for your images with path and filenames - if did not so far, this should speed up your file-search.
also having a lot of ram, at least 1Gb for such a big portal, and scsi is a good idea, if you want to boost it up, take a dual proz system with scsi-raid and a lot of ram - and costs a lot of money also :((.
another tip is to activate proxy or httpd-cache and compression or other caching stuff in php, java etc.

sorry for my broken english.

Michal Hlavac wrote:


I am working on web portal. There are some ads. We have about 200 000
ads. Every ad have own directory called ID, where is 5 subdirectories
with various sizes of 5 images.

Filesystem is too slow. But I don't know, if I store these images into
postgres, performace will grow.

Second question is, what kind of hardware I need for storing in DB. Now
I have Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.70GHz with 512MB RAM and 120GB HDD.

thanx for advices...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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