Andrew Sullivan wrote:On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 12:16:50PM -0500, Steve Manes wrote:
I think he probably means like an Oracle job. Although cron works, that would be handy so you wouldn't need to write wrapper scripts just to run a proc.
I hate to sound like an oldbie crank (although I'll admit to being a crank), but what exactly is the advantage supposed to be here? One invents a new special bit of database code which exists just so people don't have to write shell scripts? I guess the idea gets under my skin just because I have enough time-based problems without inventing a new interface to make it more complicated.
The only real advantage I see are for those people in hosting environments that don't really have access to cron. I suppose it's also valuable in making your scripts more portable as you wouldn't need to make further alterations to the system beyond restoring a database backup or whatnot.
and as soon as one would implement such stuff the users will be asking "and how do I execute shell commands from inside the DB?". Now that would be good thing. In preparation for that we should make the postmaster run under root, so that the pgcron functionality can start those external commands as any user! </irony>
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