> Huh?  Each database under PostgreSQL is kept under a seperate directory on
> the server ... always has been that way ..

Perhaps, but it isn't obvious which directory has which database.  I'm not
not sure which system catalogs provide that information, something that 
wasn't obvious from the online docs, either.  

> As to the ability to create/manage their own databases .. pls elaborate on
> what issues you've had with this under PostgreSQL, as its a simple ALTER
> command to provide a user with both CREATE USER and/or CREATE DATABASE
> permisisons ...

One of the big differences I see from the perspective of the DBA at an
ISP is that MySQL has better user/customer isolation.  This means
that customer A should not be able to learn ANYTHING about customer
B's database, not even that it exists.  

The \l command should only list databases that the current user is 
authorized for, the \du command should only list users authorized for 
the current database (and perhaps only superusers should get even that 
much information), etc.  Perhaps it is possible to set PG to do this,
but that should probably be the default.  
Mike Nolan

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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