Alle 16:54, mercoledì 10 marzo 2004, hai scritto:
> Paolo Tavalazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have two query that they are different only for order of the tables
> > in FROM lclause , but give back different query plan :
> Hm, seems like the planner is making wacko estimates in the second case.
> You didn't say what data types are involved in this query --- are any of
> the join columns int8 or float8 or timestamp?  If so you might be
> getting bitten by the 7.4 pg_statistic alignment bug.  Please follow the
> repair procedures suggested in the 7.4.2 release notes:
> and see if that improves matters.
>                       regards, tom lane

I  have applied the procedure for fixing pg_statistic as you had said, but  the result 
is the same!
Only tran.time in the query is a timestamp , no int8 or float8.
The OS is FEDORA 0.96 x86_64 and the flag --enable-integer-datetimes is false,it could 
be a problem??

I don't know what to make, help me please!

Another question, in 7.4 GROUP BY clause  not guarantee the ordering of result.
Can I desable the new group by algorithm to maintain the coherence whit the programs 
that I have in production with pg_7.3

Thank you !!!

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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