Phil Campaigne wrote:

Hi Ron,
I had a couple of questions on your instructions:
1. what is this for?
>#make install-all-headers

According to the docs you need it if you are going to create your own functions, however the documentation is a bit *vague*. "If you plan to do any server-side program development (such as custom functions or data types written in C), then you may want to install the entire PostgreSQL include tree into your target include directory." I am working under the assumption that "custom functions" include any functions you create in plpgsql, sql, c, etc and not just C functions. I would recommend using this if you will be working with the database a lot, because you will probably eventually want to create some of your own functions.

2. is it advisable for me to use UNICODE for defalt encoding?
> initdb -E UNICODE -D /usr/local/psql/data

Some of our databases were originally encoded using SQL-ASCII and we still occasionally have problems when someone enters a character with an accent (eg in cafe). The jdbc driver won't convert it and the app 'breaks' wrt that data set. So I would recommend that you UNICODE, I don't believe that it really adds much in the way of overhead, etc.

3. My version of postgresql's linux script file instructs me to create symbolic links to:
However the init script file for starting up the PostgreSQL server that I have is K15postgresql.

Is it ok that I substitute a link to K15postgresql for rc2.d and rc3.d?

I suppose that's okay. My very limited understanding of these directories is that they are used during startup/shutdown to ensure that services are started and stopped correctly and in the proper order.

thanks, Phil

Please respond to the list for more questions and cc me (or vice versa) if you have more questions. This way if anyone else is in a similar predicament they can read this, and others can contribute and/or correct me.


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